Dear [FNAME]

Introducing Relinforce™ range of Carbon and Glass Fiber-reinforced polymer products that utilizes Fiber technology for structural strengthening, repair & rehabilitation of structures.


The product range manufactured by Reliance Composite Solutions has an impressive strength-to-weight ratio.

RELinforce™ Product Range

Glass Fabric Reinforced Polymer System

Carbon Fabric Reinforced Polymer System

Pre-cured Carbon Laminates & Reinforcement Bars

Carbon Grid for Reinforced Cementitious System

Chemical Resistant Coatings for Primary & Secondary Containment Areas of Chemicals

Advantages of RELinforce™ Products

High strength with minimal weight

Minimal change to structure’s shape, weight or appearance

Corrosion resistance

Thermal compatibility

Flexible wrap allows tailoring to the desired shape

Excellent fatigue behavior

Avoids the need for traditional demolition and reconstruction methods

Welding and heavy equipment are not needed

Minimal disruption and noise during preparation or installation

Low total cost

Applications of RELinforce™ Products






Industrial and Commercial Buildings etc


Reliance Industries Limited

Vadodara Composites Division, Vadodara – Halol Expressway, Vill – Asoj, Taluka – Waghodia, Vadodara, Gujarat 391510
Tel.: +91 95104-03668 | Email:
